The Rhythmic Arts Project (TRAP) was founded in 1997 by Eddie Tuduri. is an innovative and dynamic curriculum that teaches a variety of skills using rhythm as a modality. TRAP is designed for individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities as well as young children. Introducing this rhythmic concept gives the participants a fun way to approach basic life skills and academics that is as enjoyable to learn, as it is to teach; a win-win situation all around.
The Rhythmic Arts Project is meant to enhance existing therapeutic modalities. By integrating drums and percussion into proven methods of healing and teaching, this innovation has spawned a new and enjoyable learning curve.
During these and other TRAP sessions, participants are also identifying appropriate ways to begin a conversation with others, learning ways to lead a group of peers through social language activities, and sustaining conversation while socially engaging with their peers.
Eddie Tudurdi’s professional drumming career began when he was only 14 and he landed his first record deal at 16. He’s recorded and toured with a host of famous talents including the Beach Boys. In 1997, he broke his neck in a body surfing accident. “Rhythm Therapy figured considerably in my recovery,” he said. He went on to found TRAP and sign on corporate sponsor Pearl Drums in Nashville. Pearl’s TRAP package includes 30 some professional quality percussion instruments at a fraction of its retail cost.